Can't open Musescore files that I created
I was working on a song for alto and bari sax. I was about half done it so I saved and then exited the program. The next day I went to open it, I had to choose the "open with" option and then it opens the program and pulls up and error saying that it can't read that file type. I tried a different score that I had saved earlier and it had the same error. Now my computer won't even open Musescore or even to start it enough to give me the errors.
Share the score here, look for a backup score and or an autosave copy and revert MuseScore to factory settings.
I'd bet that 'open with' issue is because you tried to get MuseScore to open a backup score, filename starting with a dot and ending with a comma, you'd need rename away the trailing comma at least (but better also the leading dot, and, on Windows, get rid of the hidden attribute)
See also
In reply to share the score here, look… by Jojo-Schmitz
I figured it out just a couple minutes ago. The problem was that it was running musescore in the background. I went into task manager and ended that task and now it works. YAY!!!