Musescore's new policy for downloads: death sentence for the idea of an open music exchange

• Mar 6, 2020 - 22:28

With much astonishment, I learnt today that after March 13, Musescore files will not be available anymore for free. The reason [1] given is - mildly expressed - an excuse. Musescore could remain 'free' if the licence terms on Uploads on the site art properly phrased and 'imposed' on new uploads like on many other sites (like Wikipedia, Openstreetmap or more commercial sites like nounproject and many more). In this respect, you could even let the creators choose the appropriate licence (public domain vs restrictive commercial and various licences in between).

I fully understand that the software and the forum need resources, i. e. money. So, you need to pursue a "business model", but I regret very much that you basically close the site down, and the original idea to foster exchange of music is abandoned completely. Which hobbyist or volunteer will pay 100 $ a year for a site that you would use occasionally and for recreational purposes??

What is going to happen with all the music that was transcribed and composed in good faith that it is available in the public domain? What will happen to the 'liberated scores', partly funded by crowdfunding (if I remember correctly)?

This is unfair.

And you will expel volunteers and hobbyists and reduce the contributions to the site. The site will die a slow death.

A much better strategy would be to pursue a model like Wikipedia or Openstreetmap or other (more commercial platforms) like nounproject e.g. Basically, you should offer basic functionalities for free, but offer additional benefits for a small fixed or variable fee. This can be realized in different ways.

(The restriction on uploads was stupid, but shutting everything behind closed doors is even more stupid.)

It is very sad to see a promising idea dying. I only can hope that somewhere else on the internet someone will create a new, truly open exchange for written music.

[1] "Taking the interests of copyright owners into account and paying creators for the use of their songs is the only way for Musescore to remain legal"


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