
• Mar 11, 2020 - 16:43
  1. Is there an INDEX to the manual, and if so where do I find it.
  2. How do I insert simply "ret." or "retard." w/o having to go through the cumbersome process of changing bpm?
  3. How do I add lyrics?
  4. How do I add a text box for an instruction not otherwise listed on the palettes (e.g., affretando)

Great thanks. (I am working on a series of simple lead sheets, have used MuseScore since its inception but find its improvements and tutorials overwhelmingly complex.)


When in the HandBook you have a search box, for exemple if you tape "lyrics" you find : select the note and tape CTRL+L
for 1 i don' t think there is an index but, at the beginning, the list of all différents pages
for 2 if by "insert" you mean write the word "ret" , you can write what you want : Palet---TEXT but it has no effect to the tempo, Musescore can't guess what you want like retard, you must use tempo sign with the tempo you want
3 lyrics CTRL+ L after selecting a note
4 "affretando", i don't know this, if it's only a text without effect on the music, once more use TEXT in the PALET

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