Musescore not free anymore???

• Mar 11, 2020 - 19:26

For years I have downloaded music for my gigs. BUT today it is asking me to pay with a subscription. I Googled this and even Musescore's web site still states it is FREE. If it is, please post a link to where you can do a search and download. I would greatly appreciate it. My email is: if you could send it directly there. Thank you.


MuseScore - the notation software that is offered and supported on this site - is free, has always been free, will always be free.

Separate from that is the score sharing website, which offers both free and pro accounts, has for many years. Indeed, in order to pay copyright owners, scores of copyrighted music will require pro accounts (the alternative was the scores would have to be removed). But free accounts remain available, they just have that limitation.

Further discussion is best continued over on that website,, not here.

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