Swing notation - not playback

• Feb 1, 2025 - 18:41

I have written a score in MuseScore 4, Pro + with quarter and eight notes. I now want to make it appear as a "swing". Is there a setting I can use to change the written notes on the score to appear as a "swing"? I am not currently worried about the playback feature. I want the written score to be written and shown in swing tempo.


If I understand you correctly, you would like to have an automated way to change pairs of eighth notes into e.g. a dotted eighth note and a sixteenth, or perhaps a tripleted quarter and eighth note?

To my knowledge, there's currently no such tool in Musescore Studio. It may be possible through a plugin.

However, from my point of view, this is not such a good idea to start with, unless it's concerning examples for pedagogical purposes, and in that case, it shouldn't be that much work to just notate the examples the way you want them to appear.

Traditionally, when playing jazz, the swing is implied and the musician expects regular eighth notes. That gives her or him interpretative freedom when it comes to how light or heavy the swing feel should be.

If you want to mix passages with and without swing feel, this is instead traditionally indicated by staff text.

"Pro +" does not have any capacity to write scores at all. It is a level of access on the musescore.com score sharing website.

MuseScore Studio, v.4 is the notation creation software. It is free software; does not require any payment, subscription, or membership.

That said, the correct way to write music you intend to be swung is to write it with straight 8th notes, then add the "Swing" and, if necessary, the "Straight" notations from the Tempo palette.

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