Export to SVG with trim via command line results in blank image

• Apr 15, 2020 - 00:29

I'm trying to export a trimmed SVG from a musicxml file generated using the python package music21. When I export the file without trimming all notes, stave, signature are viewable. However, when I set trim to 0 then the resulting SVG does not display anything. The SVG file has content but I suspect it's not within it's own viewport.

I've attached the input file and two output files demonstrating the issue.

The first output file (part-1.svg) shows graphics and is generated like so:

musescore3 part.xml -o part.svg

And the second (part-trimmed-1.svg) without viewable graphics is generated using:

musescore3 part.xml -o part-trimmed.svg -T 0

I've also included a 3rd png image which shows trimming does work for non-svg format. This was generated using:

musescore3 part.xml -o part-trimmed.png -T 0

Here is the png inline:


It feels like a bug but I might also be missing something?

Attachment Size
part-1.svg 10.42 KB
part-trimmed-1.svg 10.44 KB
part-trimmed-1.png 5.91 KB


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