Key signature changes every time I add it...

• May 2, 2020 - 08:53

Ok so I've kind of got this worked out and know what it's doing but it still is a bit annoying and just wondering if there is any setting I might have turned on to correct it.

The problem is that I'm learning to play a Bb clarinet at the moment and every time I create a score for it in Musescore it automatically assumes I want it in a key of D major if I tell it I want it in a key of C major.

If I then add a key of Bb Major my key is now in C Major - the key signatures don't seem to add the key signature that is in the image.

Now, of course, I realise that what it's doing is matching the key signature to the instrument (hence the reason why the Bb is creating a key signature with no sharps/flats even though the image shows two flats so I guess it's altering the key for the instrument. If I change the instrument to a piano then it's fine - it doesn't play with the key signatures (again I guess that's because a piano is a C Major instrument).

Is there a setting somewhere in musescore that would allow me to drag the right key from the palette to the score it will drag that image regardless of what instrument it is and not convert the key for the instrument (so when I drag a key with no sharps and no flats - I get in the score a key with no sharps and no flats - exactly what is displayed not a conversion from C Major to Bb)


In reply to by Darren Forster

For the record, "concert pitch" is the usual music term to describe the idea that instruments like clarinet sound a whole step lower than written. If you play the written note "D" on the clarinet, the sound that comes out is a "C", as I am guessing you are aware. When you play this note "D" is called the "written pitch", "C" is called the "concert pitch" (sometimes the "sounding pitch", but "concert" is more common).

So, add the key signature you want to hear, not the key signature you want to hear. if you are writing for clarinet and want to play along, you generally should not turn on concert pitch, because then everything you hear will be a step too high (if you write a "D" you'll actually hear a "D" instead of a "C" like you should). But if you want to see a C major key signature, you need to add a Bb key signature, that's what you want to hear. Because music is normally written for multiple instruments at one, with different transposition - that is, clarinets are usually combined with flutes and other instruments - the key signatures are always applied at concert pitch; otherwise it would make no sense,

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