Editing title and composer fields

• May 2, 2020 - 17:56

Not exactly a bug but a bit of a nuisance that would be great to see fixed ...
If a score's title or composer text fields are edited on the score's live page, and then the file is exported to musicxml or mxl, the edits disappear and the title and composer revert to the ones originally set (or not set, so they appear as just "Title" and "Composer".
You can go to File/Score_properties and make the changes there and the export works then, but it would very convenient if edits to the title and/or composer on the actual page were captured, saved and exported, just like changes to the notation are.


Another anomaly with this is that if you change the Title and/or Composer in the File/Score Properties window, it doesn't change those fields on the score page ... or visa versa. So if you want to edit the title or composer and have the corrected ones both in the MuseScore and in the mxl export, you have to make the changes twice - once on the live page and separately in File/Score Properties.
I'm using MuseScore3 in Linux.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That describes the relationship between the meta tag and the text field in the New Score Wizard, but it does not say anything about how either of those two things relate to the text that gets inserted into top frame on the first page of the score.

A user can figure out that the text in the top frame is taken from the text field in the New Score Wizard and that it is not kept in sync with the meta tag, but neither of these things is documented anywhere as far as I know.

In reply to by Spire42

Well, the word initially IMHO clearly documents that there is no connection between the 2, except for a one-shot-sync at score creation.
Maybe the could get expresses clearer, but there is simply no connection, so not really something to document but that fact that there isn't.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Interesting discussion, chaps, but the problem remains ... the lack of sync between metatags and the title&composer at the top of a score's front page if they have been edited means that a file exported to musicxml doesn't match what's on the score. I was just suggesting it would be really good if this could be fixed.

In reply to by raychandler

What would certainly be possible is for the new score to automatically populate the default title frame with the appropriate metatag (once that facility is supported). Then that title frame would be connected to the score properties automatically. Connecting subsequent titles would be up to you (eg, for multiple movements).

To be clear though: for now, the workaround is just to make sure you update both locations if you need to update the initially-entered title. It's a pain, I agree, but just in case someone reading this got the impression you can't get the export to reflect the info correctly, that's not really the case.

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