Formatting Issues in Musescore

• Jun 28, 2020 - 00:00

This is a problem that I first encountered working with orchestral scores. if I set the 'Extra Distance Above Stave' to a certain value in 'Stave/Part Properties', that by itself is fine. However, when I then change the stave size from Format-Page Settings, that value is affected. Is this intentional, and if so, why does it do it in such an odd way. If I increase the stave size, the extra distance decreases, and if I decrease the stave size, the extra distance increases.


In order to understand and assist, we would need you to attach your score and precise steps to reproduce the problem.

The extra distance above staff is specified in staff space units (sp), as is pretty much everything in MuseScore or any notation program.

I believe those values are counter-scaled to try and keep the actual (absolute) distance equal. If the scaling is reduced by 20%, the staff space above value will counter-scale.

I'm not sure why this is so, but it seems to be intended behavior currently.

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