The broken search systems in Musescore

• Aug 17, 2020 - 23:25

In Musescore, the Mixer's search system works by typing a letter (a feature very few people know about) you can get to the next instrument with that letter
The same feature is in a few of Musescores other dialogues such as in the synthesiser looking through soundfonts. I find this design very janky and is hidden from new users.
Is there any reason there isn't a search box like in the instrument select?


The mixer is expected to be designated a disaster area in the US any day now. 😏 It's in major need of an overhaul for 4.0.

FWIW, the way search works in dropdown lists is not a MuseScore invention, it's a standard UI component that works the same across most applications and most operating systems. So it shouldn't be that had to discover. That said, a lot of people don't seem to know about it, and no doubt it's nowhere near as nice as a real search box or others possible organizations. So hopefully it will indeed be redesigned.

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