Issues with Repeats and Jumps

• Aug 20, 2020 - 01:52

Hi, I am a beginner, both with Musescore and with reading/playing music, but I have been really impressed with Musescore. I have an issue with one score I have been working on that either I don't understand how to set Musescore parameters to do what I want, or I don't understand what is supposed to happen regarding Codas, repeats, and jumps. I've attached the file that I am working on. It works properly in playback as is, but I don't understand why, and from my limited knowledge, I don't believe it is correct for someone to play it from the sheet music as written.

My issue with the score as written is the "To Coda" in measure 33. As written, the playback does not go directly to the Coda at the end of the fourth verse (measure 39). Instead it goes to measure 36 and finishes 36 through 45. Musically the playback is not a problem, as measures 36-38 should be duplicated at the beginning of the Coda measure 39 anyway. I just deleted the 3 duplicate measures at the beginning of the Coda to make the playback correct. My concern is that a musician trying to follow the notation would not follow it as I think it should be. I would like to find out what Musescore parameter I should have set correctly so that it plays as I think it is supposed to if the Coda measures were written as I think they are supposed to be written.
Thank you for and suggestions or advice you may have.

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Open Arms.mscz 30.11 KB


Play count for measure 16 should be 4, to account for both voltas
Measure 17 needs an end repeat barline, for the playback to work correctly it seems.
Same for measure 38 apparently
The D.S. al Coda isn't taken though, as it is in the 2nd of 3 repeats and as such not reached after all repeats are done

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I changed the play count to 4 for measure 16 (and 35 as well). They made no difference. Repeat barlines for measure 17 and 38 would be inappropriate.

Maybe it would help if I laid out the road map of how I think the score is supposed to be laid out. Being a novice, sometimes I get terminology wrong between 'verses' and 'repeats'.

Prelude : measures 1 through 8 (note segno for measure 2)
Verse 1: measures 9 though 16 (repeat to measure 9 for the beginning of verse 2)
Verse 2: measures 9 through 15 repeated, then volta to measures 17 through 35, repeat measures 28 through 33, volta to measure 36 through 38 (DS al Coda to segno)
Verse 3: measure 2 (segno) through 16 (repeat to measure 9 for the beginning of verse 4)
Verse 4: measures 9 through 15 repeated, then volta to measures 17 through 35, repeat measures 28 through 33 (To Coda)

Playback for all of the above works as expected as written. However when reaching the To Coda (measure 33) (I believe for the fourth time now), the playback does not go to the Coda (measure 39), rather it goes to measure 36, then plays to the end (measure 45).

I attempted to add a #4 volta on measure 39 rather than the Coda, changed the DS al Coda to just a DS, and dropped the "To Coda" in measure 33 to see if that approach worked. Thinking that at the end of measure 33 there are 3 options; 1) and 3) play measures 34, 35 and repeat 28 through 33, 2) play measures 36 through 38 to the DS jump, or 3) play measures 39 to 45 to the end. This approach did not work either as measures 39 through 45 never played back.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I am running the current version Hopefully my score above is useful in testing any upgrades. Being a novice, I don't know whether there is a code problem with the software, or I don't know how to use the software, or whether I don't know how the notation is supposed to be written.

I really do like the Musescore software. Many sheet music versions of songs are way above my playing skill levels. Re-writing them in Musescore teaches me so much about the structure of the song that I do not get just trying to follow along with the existing sheet music, and then I am able to make small tweaks to make them easier for me to play. Just a fantastic learning experience.

In reply to by gshellenberger

To my admittedly simple brain, this arrangement is needlessly complex. It took me a few minutes to figure out the road map. Once I did, it was fine. But consider writing this out in the 2 verses, chorus, 2 verses, chorus structure that it is. It wouldn't fit on two pages anymore, but it would make sure that playback by both man and machine would work.

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