Unable to Connect Midi Keyboard

• Aug 29, 2020 - 21:52

I just got a midi keyboard today to hook up with my computer. I went into my preferences, went to I/O, selected Midi input, and MIDI output, went back to my score, tried to insert a note by playing something, and nothing happened. I decided to check my preferences again and what I had chosen had disappeared. I did this several times including restarting the MuseScore app. I'm baffled by what's going on. Can somebody help me try to figure this out? Thank you!


There is currently a bug in the I/O preferences that just changing the PortAudio settings is not seen as a "change" by MuseScore, and therefor not saved.

Change to Jack first, then change back to PortAudio.
Keep an eye on the "Apply" button, if it's not active, your changes won't be saved.
A fix for the next version is pending.

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