Unable to Connect Midi Keyboard
I just got a midi keyboard today to hook up with my computer. I went into my preferences, went to I/O, selected Midi input, and MIDI output, went back to my score, tried to insert a note by playing something, and nothing happened. I decided to check my preferences again and what I had chosen had disappeared. I did this several times including restarting the MuseScore app. I'm baffled by what's going on. Can somebody help me try to figure this out? Thank you!
Start MuseScore after the keyboard is switched on;
Toggle the MIDI button on the toolbar;
There is currently a bug in the I/O preferences that just changing the PortAudio settings is not seen as a "change" by MuseScore, and therefor not saved.
Change to Jack first, then change back to PortAudio.
Keep an eye on the "Apply" button, if it's not active, your changes won't be saved.
A fix for the next version is pending.
See #308469: New post Changing audio output device frustrating - selections disappear