Diminuendo doesn't work
Breve doesn't do a diminuendo in 2 measures.
Attachment | Size |
unknown (10).png | 5.64 KB |
Breve doesn't do a diminuendo in 2 measures.
Attachment | Size |
unknown (10).png | 5.64 KB |
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A picture doesn't help much. Can you attach a score (*. mscz file) which definitely shows this problem?
In reply to A picture doesn't help much… by DanielR
I made a mscz file containing a few measures, in measure 4 the violins go to piano instantly without a diminuendo
In reply to I made a mscz file… by HajanBlajan01234
What I hear is on beat 1 the entire orchestra is at FFF, on beat 2 all that's left is the violin & viola playing FF. One of the things about artifical music like this is that the more instruments that play, the louder it is. When you reduce the number of staves from 16 to 2 you will get a dramatic drop in volume if you don't do anything to compensate. I do hear the dim.
In reply to What I hear is on beat 1 the… by mike320
Thank you a lot I didn't know that
In reply to I made a mscz file… by HajanBlajan01234
Works just fine here in MuseScore 3.5.0 on Windows 7, your score however stems from 3.3.2, maybe it is time to upgrade?
OTOH it does wok in 3.3.4 on Windows 10 too.
In reply to Works just fine here in… by Jojo-Schmitz
I haven't updated in a while it's probably time to do it now
Hi, for me, the diminuendo works. I'm on MS 3.5 Linux Mint 20
In reply to Hi, for me, the diminuendo… by [DELETED] 1307581
anche a me il diminuendo funziona. Ho provato a mettere nel mixer in Solo gli Archi così si può sentire meglio.
Senti l'allegato.
Il mio sistema è Mac OS X 10.11.6
In reply to Salve, anche a me il… by Claudio Riffero
Thank you very much Claudio