Is there a way to turn autoplacement off globally?

• Sep 4, 2020 - 21:35

I have noticed that the autoplacement feature ocassionally messes up the placement of titles and lines and this can be repaired by turning off autoplacement for each affected element in the Inspector. Perhaps there is way to turn autoplacement off for all elements of some kind or for a section or score?




There is a shortcut that can be assigned in Preferences. I don't remember if one is assigned by default, if so I deleted mine.

Autoplace shouldn't be messing anything up regarding titles or lines, unless perhaps you are deliberately trying to overlap them with something else. If so, just disabling autoplace for those few elements is easy with "=". You wouldn't want to disable it it for the entire score, it would likely would become unreadable mass of collisions.

If you're running into an into where for some reason you are feeling the need to disable autoplace even when not deliberately trying to create a collision, most likely there is something you are could be doing differently that would allow autoplace to work for you, not against you. If you attach a sample score, we can understand and assist better.

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