Musescore will not reliably load on one of my Windows 10 computers.

• Sep 10, 2020 - 02:47

I have 2 computers which are both running on Windows 10 (latest update). One is an HP desktop and the other is an HP Pavillion laptop. The desktop computer works correctly but I am not able to run Musescore on the laptop reliably. Clicking on the icon does not work however clicking on a .mscz file will sometimes get the program running. Previously, I have used the program on the laptop without a problem. This is what currently happens:
+ Click on the icon and the program starts to load.
+ A window opens and says, "The previous session quit unexpectedly. Restore session?" No matter which choice I make the program will open showing the normal beginning page and then completely disappear.

I do not want to confuse the issue, but my ultimate goal is to run Musescore independently on both computers and save scores on Google Drive. Hopefully, the files will sync.


You need to run the program by double clicking a .mscz file then use turn off the start center in properties (Edit->Properties) and you should be able to run MuseScore normally without the start center. This has been fixed for the next release.

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