Auto-layout broken on cross-staff notation
When using cross staff notation, much of musescore's auto-layout functionality is lost.
Flipping the notes with the 'x' key doesn't help much either:
Here the rest is still in the wrong place, and the slur should probably be flipped as well.
The slur should be flipped. Also, accidentals should never collide like this.
Here is an example from the finished score. I achieved this result by flipping the staff and slur, manually adjusting the leading space of the first eighth note, and manually editing the position of the d# accidental.
Attachment | Size |
Beethoven Diabelli Variation Auto-Layout.mscz | 31.51 KB |
Beethoven Diabelli Variation Flip notes.mscz | 31.49 KB |
already the case in 3.5 and probably much longer
Relates to #285233: [EPIC] Cross-staff notation issues and probably a duplicate of one mentioned there
In reply to already the case in 3.5 and… by Jojo-Schmitz
Beaming and accidentals are mentioned, but I can't find any mention of rests. Perhaps I missed it.
It's basically all the same thing indeed - basically, none of the collision avoidance considers cross-staff notes. Each of the issues, though, probably needs to solved individually, so it's good to keep this open as a reminder of all the things to look at.
Related to #285233: [EPIC] Cross-staff notation issues