Optimise the screen space for large scores - remove the toolbar and headers

• Oct 10, 2020 - 20:17

Today I tried to look at the score which somebody had posted - see https://musescore.com/thelightoi/the-wild-land#comment-5738148 This is a very pleasant piece, but hard to follow on the screen because of the way the screen space is somewhat wasted.

It has at least 20 staves. On my Mac laptop it was very difficult to manage, and I tried several different views.
Maybe at 25% magnification it would have just about fiteed on, but at 50% it didn't, though it was legible.

Several improvements could be made, including:

  1. Remove all unncessary headings, toolbars, tabs etc. when viewing a score. This might be platform dependent. On Macs additional system headers could be removed as the system can restored them by a gesture if needed.

  2. Allow 30% and 40% magnifications - (or maybe arbitrary ones) - as these might just about be legible. The user could decide what level would work.

  3. Improve the vertical scolling so that the bars playing are tracked more centrally.

  4. Remove the white space at the top of the score. This might be nice for a small score with not too many instruments, but it's unnecessary for one with many stave lines.

Much more attention to spacing for laptop use would be helpful. My machine has a retina display.


1) You can set up a custom workspace in which all of those are unchecked. Combine it with full screen mode for maximal screen usage. See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/workspaces

2) You can type any zoom percentage into that field and press enter to apply it.

4) This should be entirely dependent on the page margin and settings of the score.

In reply to by dave2020X

Let's try the following:
1. Make sure MuseScore is closed
2. Save the attachment to "~/Library/Application\ Support/MuseScore/MuseScore3/"
3. Rename it to remove the ".txt" extension. I've only added it to be able to upload the file here to the forum

For me, the result looks as follows when choosing that workspace in MuseScore (I'm on windows):
Then I use the "View → Full Screen" option

Attachment Size
playback.workspace.txt 5.82 KB
311544-full-screen.png 53.03 KB

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