Visual feedback for selection of chord symbols

• Oct 15, 2020 - 10:17

I've now figured out how to select a sequence of chord symbols (and presumably Nashville numbers).
It's basically a standard - click on start element, then shift-click on end element.

However, there is no very clear visual feedback that I can see that the chord symbols have actually been selected, either by a change of colour or other font characteristic or by an enclosing box. Most often in Musescore selections are shown by a bounding box. It would be helpful if there could be some visual feedback, as this would then reduce the likelihood of selection errors for chords.


They do change to the selected color of the voice they belong to for me. So check under Edit → Preferences → Advanced that the color for "ui/score/voice1/color" isn't black. (Chord symbols by default use voice 1)

Click, Shift-Click performs the same as "select all similar elements within range" since 3.5; so you don't need to Ctrl-Click each symbol anymore.

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