Transposing instruments

• Oct 18, 2020 - 20:30

I know that MuseScore can display a score in Concert Pitch or in "Transposed" mode, where transpositing instruments are displayed with a different key signature than non transpositing instruments.

I'm actually working on John Williams scores and, in most of them, there are written in what I called the "Transposed Mode" but,... without any accidentals on the key signature. In fact, the accidentals are directly displayed along the score when necessary.
I joined an exemple of what I mean.
Horns - Imperial March.png
These are the very fist measures of the famous "Imperial March" from "The Empire Strikes Back".
You can see that there is no F# on the keysignature. Asso the first written notes are D. That is coherent with the fact that the first heard notes are G (a fifth lower - actually the Imperial March is in G minor). On the other hand, you can see that the F is sharp on the 3rd horn.
So yes, we are in "Transposed mode" which is the default mode of MuseScore.

Question : Is there a way to properly do that in MuseScore ?

Best Regards ! Stay safe and make music !


Jeetee is correct. This is normal for Horns in a score. Use the atonal key signature only on horns. Press ctrl while applying it to one instrument at a time.

Just a bit of clarification - it's common in pre-20th century scores to only use the "atonal" key signature for horns. It's common in modern scores to use it for all instruments, if the piece is in fact atonal, or even if it's kind of tonal but loosely enough so that key signatures seem to be not very helpful.

So if you are dealing with a score where you literally want only the horns to have it, use Ctrl when adding as @mike320 says. If you simply want no key signatures anywhere, period, just add it normally and it will apply to all staves.

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