Ask for help

• Nov 7, 2020 - 05:39

On the toolbar there is a feedback button. I'm guessing people use it or it wouldn't still be there. I suggest that next to the Feedback button there should be an Ask for help button that takes the user to so they can ask for help in the forum. I think this will reduce the number of people who use the Report a bug option in the Help menu so their request for help ends up in the wrong place. I think it will also increase the number of people who even know about the forums, which would be good.

I'm not sure what happens if someone with no account enters the link I suggested but it should allow the user to create an account and continue asking for help.


Note there is already Ask for Help in the same Help menu as Report a Bug, and I do think people use it. But unfortunately I also suspect it's why we have people who later on don't know how to find their own posts, and instead post followups in new threads. Anyhow, I do think we should go much farther and create a real online help center that helps sort out forum, issue tracker, and handbook, and oh by the way also .org vs .com, and while we're at it, MuseScore editor vs mobile apps. It's something I'm trying to make happen by MuseScore 4 if not earlier.

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