Not Clear Edges (Linux Nightly 3.x 10/20)
I think it looks a bit awkward...
Also everything looks so small when I put global scaling in 100% but if I make that percentage bigger, all the symbols look less clean, I mean I can see pixels.
If your score at 100% isn't pretty much matching real paper size, then start by setting the "
-D dpi
" option to match your screen dpi.In reply to If your score at 100% isn't… by jeetee
Oh, I thought that was for the other case only... thanks!
In reply to Oh, I thought that was for… by [DELETED] 32872726
Seems like it looks better now... but even though the paper in musescore is still bigger than an A4 paper, I don't want to make things look smaller. What about the "New" Window's edges? Is this normal?
In reply to Seems like it looks better… by [DELETED] 32872726
Probably outside of what MuseScore does and related to your OS and its Window Manager
In reply to Probably outside of what… by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh ok.