Coda-link after its placement in the wrong place and size

• Nov 8, 2020 - 12:34

When I put the Coda symbol and change the Marker type: To coda and Label: coda, it stays at the beginning of the bar instead of moving to the end of the bar and shrinking. When I save and re-open the composition, the coda-link is as it should be (see attached images).
P.S. I use the last version of MuseScore, i.e. 3.5.2.

Attachment Size
testofjumptocodaf.png 68.56 KB
testofjumptocodar.png 68.42 KB


Does it work properly? I can't tell from a picture. I suggest that you apply the proper jump and change the text, that way you won't miss a step and have MuseScore do something random jump pattern. For you case, you can double click the coda symbol in the coda, then copy it (ctrl+c) then double click a "to Coda" and paste on top of the text ctrl+v. But see for a request to make this easier.

I will point out that what you found is a minor bug (as long as the jumps still work properly) that should be fixed. Please report it at

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