When second lyric verse has more words than the first did...
The first lyric has one word under a minim.
The next two lyrics have two words under that minim.
'would' here should go under the minim.
How can I enter that?
The first lyric has one word under a minim.
The next two lyrics have two words under that minim.
'would' here should go under the minim.
How can I enter that?
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Press ctrl+space bar to enter a space in the middle of a lyric.
In reply to Press ctrl+space bar to… by mike320
Thank you, sir, excellent. I didn't even know what to ask, did I? 'How to put a space..?'
FWIW, though, normally this would be notated by putting a small note in another voice to show the rhythm more explicitly, and adding the lyric to that.
In reply to FWIW, though, normally this… by Marc Sabatella
could I ask for small pic showing how that looks?
In reply to could I ask for small pic… by abrogard
Look at second verse lyrics/notes...