[MuseScore 3.6 beta] Open Hi-Hat symbol too small in Leland

• Dec 15, 2020 - 22:52
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

One of the two most commonly used symbols for an open hi-hat, the "circle X notehead", looks odd in MuseScore 3.6's Leland notation font. The "x" in the circle is much smaller than the "x" without the circle.

Even though drum notation isn't properly standardised, I have never seen a circle X notehead like that in any drum notation guide. Here are two examples:
- DRUM! Magazine: https://drummagazine.com/drum-notation-guide/
- Online Drummer: https://www.onlinedrummer.com/drum-key/



Title [MuseScore 3.6 beta] Open Hi-Hat too small in Leland [MuseScore 3.6 beta] Open Hi-Hat symbol too small in Leland
Severity S2 - Critical S5 - Suggestion

Maybe I'm missing something, but in Leland, as in Bravura and MuseJazz, the XCircle notehead is the same size as other noteheads - the circle completely fills the space between two staff lines just as it should. Emmentaler, on the other hand, is oversized, as is Gonville and Petaluma, overlapping the line above & below. This seems like a stylistic decision that some fonts make one way and others make another way, but it's a valid suggestion, so I've changed the severity accordingly.

Even though drum notation isn't properly standardised, I have never seen a circle X notehead like that in any drum notation guide.

I would consider this a bug.

Would be useful to see some published examples, especially taken from other known fonts as opposed handwritten.

But given the most standardized font in the world does it the same way, as does the professionally-designed font we use, it's obviously a legitimate and valid design choice. So again, it's perfectly reasonable to ask whether it was the best design choice when looking at the border scopoe of the different fonts out there and standards used by a wide variety of different publishers, but it's not a "bug" by any normal definition of the term.

For comparison, here are some showing a closer-to-standard as opposed to oversized notehead:


I suspect that at least some of the sources showing oversized noteheads are actually using a standard X notehead and adding the circle separately as an articulation or other symbol rather than having that as a dedicated notehead. An advantage of this approach is it allows circles around other heads too, which are also sometimes seen. I would also note that a circle above the notehead is another common way of rotating open hi hat.

The logical thing is: the open and closed note heads (x) should be the same size.
That is, it should not look like the first one is big and the second one is small.
If there is an option to reduce both of them a little, this can be applied. If not, the old system seems more appropriate than the current one.