Oriental accidentals request

• Dec 23, 2020 - 07:29

Hello, I'm trying to transcribe music by a Tunisian artist and it requires the use of specialized accidentals. This is for an academic paper so I prefer to use the authentic notation rather than other microtonal symbols. MuseScore already has the 1/2 flat and 1/4 flat symbols but the 3/4 flat is missing. You can see it circled in this screenshot of Persian accidentals, and it also appears in the table of Tunisian scales. As for the three microtonal sharp symbols, MuseScore does have variations of these symbols but they aren't quite symmetrically designed. Take a look at the attached table of Tunisian accidentals and you'll see what I'm talking about. Basically, the one that is really lacking is the Persian 3/4 flat accidental, which is a regular flat but with a little flag hanging to the left. MuseScore already has this symbol with the flag hanging to the right––I just need that flag on the left side. These accidentals would be very helpful for notating music with Oriental intervals. Thank you


MuseScore has quite many accidentals, in the Accidentals palette under more or the the acccidentlas palette of the master palettes.
It has even more in the master's palettes symbol palette, which has every glyph SMuFL has to offer. If SMuFL doesn't have the accidentlals you need, then you're out of luck and would need to request these from them.

As far as I can tell that 3/4 flat, that b with a flag to the left, is indeed missing. Try requesting it it at https://github.com/w3c/smufl/issues

While waiting to find the correct accidental, there is possible workaround. Press Z to bring up the Master Palette and look under Symbols >Sims Accidentals (72-EDO). There is a vertical line with a little tick - could you overlap this onto a standard flat symbol?

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