Edit Drumset - notes transposed

• Dec 30, 2020 - 15:44

Hi-- I exported the default drumset as a .drm file, and found it is just XML. I edited the XML file so the notes are in numerical order from lowest to highest (see attached) to make editing notes more intuitive (nudge up and down with arrow keys.. vs the somewhat random default order).

However, after loading this drumset into an existing score, the score is revised/transposed per the re-assigned 'No.' values, instead of retaining the original pitch value.

Is there a way to import such an adjusted drumset into scores w/o having the notes modified?

Attachment Size
MuseScore.png 14.49 KB


As far as I know, the palette order is fixed by the MIDI pitch ordering. It's a pretty common request to be able to sort them more logically, hopefully someday that will happen.

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