Image capture window disappears

• Jan 1, 2021 - 09:59

I have a score which consists of three pages. Trying to capture images of various sections of the score. All worked fine until the last page. Whenever I move the image window on the last page it dissapears. If I look in tools "Image Capture" is still checked...makes no difference if I check it or uncheck it.

If I restart the programme all back to normal. Works fine as long as I don't reposition image capture window on the last page.

Attached file that this happens on....




Same here (Windows 10, MuseScore 3.4.2 resp. 3.6.0 unstable)
The effect is independent of the score. The Inspector shows fantasy numbers that are not updated when the window is moved.
Workaround: Re-draw the window using the Shift key.

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