Feature request: Control the playback of articulation marks
It would be able to control how the articulation marks are played back. E.g. the "louré" (tenuto-staccato) mark currently changes the off-time of the note to 650 ‰. I would like to change this in two ways:
1. I would like to set a personal default value (in the "Preferences" or some place like that).
2. I would like to be able to select the articulation mark itsef and assign a % value manually for the selected one(s) only (as it already works for fermate).
The same goes for marcato: I would like to control the "velocity" (i.e. loudness) of the marked notes in the same ways as I described for the off-time lengths and articulation marks.
This feature is ALREADY IN PLACE for fermate (except for the default value assignment). I would like the same to be applied to other articulation marks (wherever it makes sense, of course).