Different dynamics for a repeat

• Feb 3, 2021 - 09:09

I frequently have different dynamics for a repeated section. I would prefer to have the ability to simply put both dynamics next to each other without having to write it out (or copy and paste). Have I missed this somewhere?


There is nothing to stop you entering two different dynamics, one under the other:
Dynamic marks on a repeat.png

But this will not play the different dynamic levels on the 1st and 2nd play. As far as I know the only way to achieve different volumes is to use Voltas, with a separate dynamic for 1st and 2nd Volta measures:

In reply to by DanielR

That is great for the measure with the repeat, but in a Minuet, for example, the dynamic change occurs at the beginning of the piece. I am creating files for young students to practice playing with these files, so having the different dynamics during playback would be nice to have.

In reply to by classicalt

To be clear, have you used a "DC" or a "DC al fine"? The former, doesn't stop at a "fine" (as it doesn't know to look out for one), the second one tells MuseScore (and a player) that there is a "fine" coming up and it is necessary to stop when it is reached.

If you have used the "al fine" version and it is not stopping, please upload your score here so we can investigate why that is.

In reply to by classicalt

The most common reason this wouldn't work if you are sure you added the right symbol is a mismatched repeat somewhere else the score. We've gotten better over time at still doing reasonable things even if you have, say, a start repeat missing the end repeat somewhere, but still, we need to build the entire repeat structure before we start playback, and if there is an error like that somewhere, it can have unforeseen side effects on other repeats also.

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