Representing Half Diminished and Diminished symbols with Roman Numeral Notated Chords?
Is there a way to add half diminished and diminished symbols to chord notation with roman numerals? I see the method with Note entry (i.e. "o" for diminished and "0" for half diminished Jazz Text) ...but cannot figure out how to do it when roman numerals are input in the chord symbol (CMD+K) mode. ...Many thanks (Newbie here...).
Ctrl+K is not for entering RNA
In reply to Ctrl+K is not for entering… by Jojo-Schmitz
...Many thanks!
But for the record, "o" for diminished and "0" for half-diminished is the same for chord symbols and RNA.
In reply to But for the record, "o" for… by Marc Sabatella
But probably won't work when entering RNA visit Ctrl+K, as chord symbols