
• Mar 12, 2021 - 09:56

I notice that the word " synthesiser " occurs in Musescore.
Is there a genuine virtual computer contained in the software ? And if there is, How can I find out how to use it.
Sam Waylen


To be clear, the synthesizer is used internally by MuseScore, there is no external interface for it other than the extent to which MuseScore responds to MIDI input, which is pretty limited. Not sure what "genuine virtual computer" means in this context, but it's definitely a real synthesizer, it is what turns the notes you see on the screen into sounds you hear.

Thanks. Thanks and Sorry. I slipped a bit with a typo. I meant to use the word ' synthesizer ' instead of 'computer' in the expression ' virtual computer ' in my previous posting.
Having said which....the quality of the different instrument sounds is extremely good, or, dare I say ' lifelike ' ?

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