Staff Space Scaling stepping units?

• Apr 4, 2021 - 18:29

When changing "Staff Space (sp)" in Scaling section of "Page Settings", I see number can't be entered manually, it's only stepping of (unknown) units, it seems there is no way to fine tune the scaling...

Which are the stepping units? On which page elements are calculated?
Is it possible to enter fine tuning values?


You can enter the number manually, but only one digit at a time, due to quirk in how the dialog works. Select a digit and type a new one, repeat for the next digit, etc.

The default step value is 0.2 mm, FWIW.

You can enter the number manually, but only one digit at a time, due to quirk in how the dialog works. Select a digit and type a new one, repeat for the next digit, etc.

The default step value is 0.2 mm, FWIW.

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