• May 3, 2021 - 23:55

I got charged by Musescore last year 2020, the moment I started my Free Trial. To maximize my payment, I canceled the subscription in the middle of the year. Fast forward to today, I got an email saying a got billed by Musescore again for the whole year of 2021.

I am trying to cancel, remove my card somewhere on the system or even delete my account just so I don't get billed or even to file for a refund but do not see anywhere in the system where it helps me on this.

This is an unauthorized charge and during this pandemic, this charge is just so wrong.

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musecore inactive.png 148.63 KB


In reply to by dragonwithafez

Hi dragonwithafez,

Thanks for taking the time to respond and provide the links. I have tried those and there is no data of the charges on my account. My account subscription shows as inactive. I have tried reaching customer service and they just pointed me to Google Play.

I also posted here in hopes that someone might have the similar experience and can share a workaround, or what to do.

In reply to by enabledsquad

Certainly not on this website, you can't, there is no subscription offered here so nothing to cancel. As explained above, the subscription you refer to is on another website, probably, o you need to go over there to ac cess your account info, contact support staff, etc.

I think u have to cancel before the subscription has ended
like if i subscribe on 2022 April 1, then i have to cancel before 2023 March 31

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I think Musescore's subscriptions are nothing more than a scam. I don't even need it! I barely even noticed any changes with the subscription except for the PRO logo on your name and a spotlight. Musescore shows so many things you "get" with PRO yet I have 90% of all those things even without PRO! I can look at Official scores, I can share scores, I can download scores, etc., etc., etc.!

In reply to by Josiah M. Bayne

It’s definitely not a scam. The main value of Pro is that you can download user arrangements of copyrighted music. Which is a huge portion of the scores there and the main reason people get Pro. Everything else about Pro is gravy, although a few perks are also nice like being able to set external audio as default playback.

So even if you don’t care about those things, they are definitely important to many others.

I can't cancel my free trial, and I'm even doing a live chat with Apple Support. They will start charging me on Friday!! This is a terrible website/app. Never going to use it again.

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