TempoChanges: retain old number values after applying

• May 26, 2021 - 01:50

First off, is this the right place to post for plugin support and ideas? I don't know who creates and updates them.
But assuming it is, I think it would be helpful if the last values I put into the pop-out would stay the next time I opened the plugin. This is mainly because getting it to sound exactly the way I want takes me a lot of attempts and adjusting the curve and values, and typing in the same numbers over and over is annoying.
The curve part stays the same even between restarting Musescore and I don't understand why the numbers don't.


The start/end numbers don't stay saved because they read out the current values of the score applicable to the selection; which is by design.
This allows you to redo an existing TempoChange if you're experimenting with the curves without having the need to enter start/end tempo every time. It also ensures that the start tempo matches the current score tempo at the start point of the selection.

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