Ghost/Missing notes in PDF Import?

• Jun 28, 2021 - 03:48

So I was transferring all my scores from FLAT to Musescore because the account I use for Flat will be shutting down soon and I didn't want to lose all my work. but when I opened up the score in Musescore, there are entire sections missing for each instrument, some rests are colored grey, and there are even rests where there shouldn't be! It's a 3/4 time signature, but there's plenty of instances of a 4th "ghost rest" popping up in the middle of measures and I can't figure out how to delete them. Anybody have an idea??


PDF as an exchange format between two notation programs is probably about the only choice worse than MIDI. to my knowledge supports MusicXML; so you definitely want to use that file format instead.

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