Saving the cursor point on closing in order to retrieve it

• Jul 6, 2021 - 08:22


In the process of writing a score, we often need to retrieve the place we were on last modification to continue the work.

Therefore, on opening of an existing score, could we be asked if the focus point (cursor) should be set directly on the place it was (at least bar and stave) when the document was closed?

We could then save some time when reopening the working file!

Thanks for considering


That's an interesting idea! I'm pretty sure I'd not want it positioned there automatically, nor would I want to have to constantly answer a question about this, but a single command to "go to last location" would be useful.

There actually is something kind of like this already. It doesn't remember the last location, but it simply searches your score for the last non-empty measure and goes there. So if you're basically writing left-to-right - meaning the place you left off is the end of the music written so far - this command takes you right there. There is no shortcut defined for this command by default, but go to Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts and type "go to" in the search box. You'll see a command there listed as "Go to first empty trailing measure". Select it and click "Define", then you can add your own shortcut to use this command in the future.

Another hack you could try is adding a special rehearsal mark at the place you want to return, then later sing Ctrl+F and typing its name to jump straight to that mark.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Regarding the "Another hack you could try is adding a special rehearsal mark at the place you want to return, then later sing Ctrl+F and typing its name to jump straight to that mark.", I currently use it, but if it goes to the bar, it does not always reach the appropriate stave, as a result it is sometimes uncomplete when you work on systems with up to 12 staves.

That said, your first suggestion with a shortcut for "Go to first empty trailing measure" is very interesting and I keep it, as long as the "go to last location" wish is not implemented.

Thank you Mark for the trick


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