
• Aug 7, 2021 - 18:53

I have never collaborated with anyone to do a song.
I have done a melody but have not decided on a storyline.
Would any one/ones be interested in doing the lyrics for this song?

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In reply to by cedy

Recently I went to a popular site where Musicians, Songwriters ,etc. advertise
their services for a fee.
I connected with a mature-looking guy who claimed to have extensive
experience in the writing of lyrics. I told him I was not formally trained
in music.
He asked if I had a topic and a timeline. I told him I had neither.
I suggested that we agree on a topic before he started anything.

He said that he would listen to the melody to get an idea for a topic.
He sent sample lyrics which he started from the intro. of the melody.
I told him to start the lyrics from the verse on the G note.

Then, out of the blue, he wrote that he felt that he was not the right
person for the task and he was quitting, citing "intuition."
Perhaps I was dealing with a Psychic.

Why can't I get some "intuition" that would let me know when I
would be winning the Lottery?

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