Looking for a PAUSE feature in learning mode.

• Aug 12, 2021 - 07:37

I was hoping someone could implement a pause button so that both the highlighted notes and piano notes are highlighted on the keyboard. Also looking for the letters to pop up on the keyboard as well as some word indicators which tell you what all the markings are like which pedal, or go faster, play quieter, slow down. etc... a real time translation of all such terminology appearing in the score.
Also looking for falling note visualizing (like on the website player) with resizability of such a window like in synthesia and same with the keyboard and zoom in and outs...


Except that notation software is not music theory software.

Any specialised software presupposes a certain amount of understanding of basic principles before you can use it. Video editors comes to mind. Sure Word will correct some of your mistakes (thank goodness) but this is different.

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