Text between staves - e.g. for intervals

• Oct 9, 2021 - 23:24

Is there an easy way to put text betwen staves - for example to mark up intervals in two or more parts?
I know how to put in other text - such as chord symbols, or tempo or dynamic markings, but is there a good and easy way to put formatted text between lines of notes on different staves?

I know I could find a way if I simply wanted just one score with a good visual layout, but I really want a method which is quick and easy to use.


Staff text (Ctrl+T) is the obvious choice for text that applies to specific notes. You can use Alt+Left/Right to navigate from note to note on a staff while entering it, so it's almost as convenient as lyrics. But since lyrics are convenient for this, a lot of people just use those.

Staff text by default appears above the staff. To get it to appear between two staves, either attach it to the notes of the lower staff, or press "X" after entering to flip it above (and possible then press "S" next to placement in the Inspector to set that as the style default for the score).

I've also used fingering for this if I need the notations to show closer to the notes themselves, as is the case when multiple voices are involved.

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