what should I do?
In general, I have a strange problem, I did not know about this program until I received a notification on the card, they say there is not enough money, the payment was canceled. As I found out the person who had to pay $ 69.99 from Belgium and I got the MUSESCORE * TRIA OVER message in the same place, I contacted my bank's support team but they can't do anything, I have a phone number from the notification, presumably this is the number of the person who had to pay, I also received a notification that the withdrawal of the loan was approved for my card, I blocked the card at the same time, what should I do?
See https://musescore.org/en/faq#faq-314712
In reply to See https://musescore.org/en… by Jojo-Schmitz
no, no, you ate me wrong, my money was not withdrawn, but they continue to try, I did not, that is, someone has access to my card, which is unpleasant.
In reply to no, no, you ate me wrong, my… by aleksaful2281
Then you need to bring that up with the issuer of that card.
Nobody here can help you with that.
In reply to no, no, you ate me wrong, my… by aleksaful2281
Sounds like you signed up for a trial of the Pro account on the score-sharing website musescore.com and gave them your credit card, probably a month ago. If you have now changed your mind and no longer wish to subscribe to that service, you'd need to go over there to that website (musescore.com) and contact their support team and ask to cancel.
In reply to Sounds like you signed up… by Marc Sabatella
I did not subscribe, I did not know about the existence of this site at all
In reply to I did not subscribe, I did… by aleksaful2281
Then someone misused your a) email account and b) your credit card. The latter is, again, something you needed bring up with the credit card issuer, your bank.
At thw same time bring this up with support@musescore.com, as per the Faq linked to above.