How to get rhythmic notation above the staff without ledger lines showing?

• Oct 29, 2021 - 22:03

Hello in bars 41 and 42 of the attached score, I am unable to find a way to put the rhythmic notation without ledger lines showing. I would like to height of the rhythmic slashes to remain as they are but without ledger lines. I tried putting notes into Voice 3 then toggling to rhythmic notation but the voice 3 rhythmic slashes would not allow me to move to them higher. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Attachment Size
Feels_So_Good.mscz 32.67 KB


Putting them in voice 3 is the correct answer. What do you mean when you say it "would not allow" you to move them higher? How did you try to do it, and what went wrong when you tried? A simple adjustment to the Y offdet using the "Chord" section of the Inspector (or any other method you might normally use to make manual adjustments to position, like double-click then cursor keys, etc) works fine. And then you don't get ledger lines. I guess if you tried just changing the pich with cursor keys, that wouldn't work, because they are moved above the staff using the "fix to line" property so that they remain at the same location regardless of clef or transposition. But if you disabled that and tried changing pitch, you'd get the ledger lines.

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