Unable to launch AppImage (missing libraries probably)
Upon launching the AppImage, I get a "symbol lookup error" message and the program terminates immediately, suggesting a missing library.
I already had to install a few packages for the AppImage to be able to run (mainly Qt5 libraries). Not sure if they were supposed to be installed by MuseScore*.AppImage install?
In any way if I am missing a lib it is hard to tell which (the symbol given by the error message is in a libstc++ which I already have; maybe I need to install another Qt 5 package, but which one?).
Technical details:
- Debian 11 (bullseye)
- Linux kernel 5.10
- 64bits
- AppImage obtained from the website, latest available (3.6.2)
Detailed command and error message:
~/.local/bin> ./MuseScore-
/tmp/.mount_MuseScz3UlYm/bin/mscore-portable: symbol lookup error: /tmp/.mount_MuseScz3UlYm/bin/mscore-portable: undefined symbol: _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev, version Qt_5
Best regards,
On Debian 10 qt5-default can be installed.
This (or something similar) also happens when trying to run the Snap version on a Ubuntu VM through GitHub Actions.
Here's my script, in case it matters.
Separate issue, you're using snap (and should report this to the snap builder), the OP is using AppImage. Different symbol too