Musescore 2 Beta Tabs issue?

• Sep 8, 2014 - 15:33

I have just opened a 1.3 score in MS2 Beta1and the score opened fine.
1 However, it also opened every parts tab (is it supposed to do that?)
2 I can't find anyway of closing any or all of the tabs
3 Worst of all, whilst the score is spot on, the parts - every part! - has the correct rhythm BUT all notes are written on the top line of the stave, be it treble of bass clef.

I must have made some elemental mistake as no one else on the Musecore2 thread has mentioned this. Could someone please point me in the right direction. I would have used the camera screenshot icon to add some examples but couldn't get it to work. (Windows 8.1 btw)


In reply to by onscuba

Our posts crossed. We'd still need the score itself.

Is it possible the score was not actually saved in 1.3 but was actually saved with an experimental nightly development builds from many months ago? Scores saved in oider nightly builds are not guaranteed to still load correctly; the warnings when you download and start the nightly builds are supposed to make that clear.

Just upload the score itself - the MSCZ file. That's going to be much more helpful than a picture anyhow.

What specifically did you have problems with using the screenshot mode? Maybe you should start a separate thread to ask questions about it. I find it works well - I use it often.

Anyhow, for your original question: one of the most exciting new features of MuseScore 2.0 Beta 1 is linked parts. This means when you create a score for multiple instruments, parts can be generated automatically for all instruments, and these are saved automatically with the score, and all changes to the score automatically are reflected in the parts and versa. it's an enormous time saver.

The linked parts are not generated until you use File / Parts to specify what parts you want (usual case - just press New All). For scores imported from 1.3 or earlier versions, if you previously ran File / Parts to specify parts, then this is honored. If for some reason you don't actually want parts, you can go to File / Parts and delete them.

The parts should look exactly as they are supposed to - I've never seen a case where all notes are on the top line of the staff. You'll need to post the score you are having problems with.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

thanks for the reply. I created the score in 1.3. Did not go near a nightly (way too afraid of the darkside!)
In the 1.3 version, I had created the score and from that created the parts. However, when opening Mscore2 for the first time and as a fun thing to do, I opened just the score. Or so i thought. There miraculously was the score PLUS parts and that's when I spotted the "topline" stuff.
Hopefully I can upload the score....

ps is there a link somewhere for how to use the screenshot icon. I looked in the handbook and did an online search but failed to find anything

In reply to by onscuba

No link for the screenshot feature I know of. It's meant to be pretty self-explanatory. i guess you have to figure out to use the right click (ctrl+click) on Mac menu to see how it works? Again, if you have specific problems, please start a new thread on that.

Meanwhile, I've loaded your score and looked at the parts but don't see any problems offhand. Where should I look specifically? The screenshot seems to imply there should be an issue in one of the trombone parts at bar 28, but I'm not seeing any problems in any of the trombone parts there.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist


I've recreated the parts (after deleting everything except the main score) and have been tidying up the resultant parts.

On the main score I have "electric organ" instead of the more usual "piano". When I got round to tidying the organ part, I found that I had the right hand only and mysteriously, a "piano" part had been created with the left hand in. By any chance, is that so with you?

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

OK, I see this now too on Windows 7. So it could be Windows versus Linux, but it also might be "beta" versus "latest". My Linux machine - where there is no problem - is running the latest. Not that I know of any relevant fixes since beta that could explain this. But you might try installing a nightly build to see if it has fixed itself for you.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I've just deleted all the parts and created them again. This time they look as they should! Hurray.

Still unclear as to why there was a problem in the first place.

Thanks for looking at the problem .

btw, is there a way to close some or all of the tabs? Right clicking has no effect at all

In reply to by onscuba

Not sure why you needed to delete and recreate, but I'm glad that worked.

You can close tabs the way I mentioned earlier - go to File / Parts and delete the part. However, you will lsoe any customization you may have done in that part. So I wouldn't do it unless you are sure you really don't want the part. Normally, there should be no reason to delete a part.

In reply to by onscuba

I think you have been clear; perhaps my answers have been less so.

There are two types of tabs - tabs for the main score, and sub-tabs for each part. Tabs for the main score can be closed with the little "x", and this closes all sub-tabs too. But as I have said, sub-tabs cannot be closed individually *except* by going to File->Parts (for the main score) and actually *deleting* the part. You normally do not want to do this. So just leave the sub-tabs open. They aren't hurting anything.

Hi Marc,
Not sure how close to the development "centre" of Musescore you are but do they need telling of this issue?
There's no way I'll be downloading a nightly. That's way out of my league. I guess I should stop playing with Beta 1 and wait for Beta 2...unless it helps to find these kind of issues.
It is a shame that the parts tabs can't be individually closed as it is a pain having them all open whilst working on the full score and having to scroll back and forth thru 18 or so tabs to get to the tab I might want to work on. And I'm only working on Big Band scores. It must be a nightmare with a full orchestra!
Anyway, I'm sort of pleased you have found the same problem.

In reply to by onscuba

Well, it's possible the problem really was fixed and that's why I can't reproduce it on the latest build. or it could be Windows versus Linux. Is it just this score has the problem, or do others to?

As for nightly builds, if you are comfortable with downloading and installing a beta, the nightly builds should not be any scarier. They were very unstable during the main development cycle, but at this point, they are just the beta version but with fixes applied. So I wouldn't be shy.

Finally, about the tab - I still don't get how this is a problem. If you are working on the score, why are you even looking at the parts at all? That's normally something you'd do only when you were basically *done* with the score and wanting to clean up formatting for the individual parts - and in that case, you'd go through through them one by one in order normally. How would having to open and close tabs one at a time be better than having them all available? I'm thinking you must be trying to do something with these parts that you would be better off doing with the score, but I'm not sure what. Could you explain what you are doing in more detail?

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