• Nov 15, 2021 - 02:19

My current piece has around 7 semi-breve notes that fill one 4/4 bar and I want to continue them over to the first 2 beats of the next bar.
The Master pallette has one curved line which connnects the two top notes.i.e. the highest semibreve in the first bar connected to the highest minim in the second.
This sustains that note in the way I want.
However, there is no corresponding line connecting the other, lower notes in the chord
What is the best advice here please,so that all the breves in the first bar run continually to each of their corresponding minims in the second ?


Are you talking about ties? You don't need the master palette for that, just use the toolbar. See the Handbook under Ties for more info. If that's not what you mean, please attach your score explain in more detail so we can understand and assist better.

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