Guitar Pro .gp file
The previous guitar pro file format (.gpx) open in MuseScore with linked staves and correct fret/string numbering. When opening .gp files in MS 3.6, the standard and tab staves are linked but the tab fret numbering from the original .gp source file defaults to lowest numerical values rather than the actual fret numbering in the original source file. Looking for an update to bring this functionality in line with other guitar pro file formats. Thanks
You are referring to this post:
This is an issue (a regression even) since what was correct with the import of GP6 (.gpx) files is no longer correct with GP7 (.gp)
This is not the right place (on this forum) to point this out. For there to be some chance that it will be fixed, you have to report it on the Issue Tracker:
See #318917: [GuitarPro] .gp files: Custom fret positions are lost on import