Starting Score apppears before Starting Center does and crashes
I installed MuseScore 3.6.2 on my new PC (Windows 11 Home). When I first tried to launch it, the starting score would appear almost immediately: however, if I tried to change the score or create a new one, MS would freeze and crash.
I later discovered that the starting score appears before the Starting Center does (the blue starting screen and starting center were covered by the starting score). Turns out, if I wait 5-10 seconds, the starting center appears and everything works normally afterwards. Is this normal? Is there a way to fix it?
Hello, you could disable the startcenter in Edit -> Preferences.
In reply to Hello, you could disable the… by [DELETED] 1307581
Thank you, it works now
It might stumble accross some components (IIRC 2 images) of the startcenter's webview that are delivered via http rather than https.