Insert Mode Doesn't Seem to Work as Described
In the current Musescore Handbook, it says that the Insert Mode "allows you to insert and delete notes and rests within measures, automatically shifting subsequent music forwards or backwards." This is what I had hoped it would do, but it doesn't appear to work that way.
Within Musescore 3.6.2, what happens is one of the following, after you press "N": (1) if you hover the mouse over the desired point of insert, you will see a blue note corresponding to the position on the staff; or (2) if you type a note name (e.g., "A") on the computer keyboard, you will get that note. But, in either case, the music does not shift forward or backward. You get the + sign toward the end of the measure -- which is something I was familiar with from before. Further, if you type a note on the Virtual Piano, the note will not insert at all, and will simply over-write the next note.
So, are these all bugs ?
Thank you.
(P.S. I saw the posting from 2020 on the Insert Mode, but there doesn't appear to be any answer.)
No, this is not a bug, it works as intended: the bar is extended.
In reply to No, this is not a bug, it… by [DELETED] 1307581
Don't confuse it with inserting one (more) notes, moving the notes behind it to the back. This is done in MS via copy&paste.
To be clear: the feature does works as intended with regard to insertion. When you insert notes by this method, subsequent music is shifted later in time. Check for yourself - put your cursor on a note that is currently on beat 2, then enter a new quarter note. The note that was on beat 2 gets shifted to beat 3, just as advertised. And the measure duration is automatically increased to account for the new note also exactly as advertised.
The intent of this feature is to allow you to easily create measures that have extra notes in them - for cadenzas, etc. It's not meant as a general editing tool for moving arbitrary groups of notes earlier or later. For that, simply use cut & paste.
However, you are correct that the on-screen piano keyboard window does not seem to be supported, and I assume that is a bug,