Can I use MuseScore to trigger a Reaper action or vice versa?

• Jan 9, 2022 - 00:50

I've mentioned before that I use MuseScore a bit "off-label" -- as a tool for learning by listening. I've recently also purchased Reaper, and still have lots to learn about it. But, conceptually, at least to me, what I want to do seems "simple" -- provided there's scripting languages:

I would like to have either MuseScore's playback button trigger the record button in Reaper, or have Reaper's record button trigger the playback button in MuseScore. Or, have an script somewhere, somehow, that just triggers both simultaneously.

Is it possible with a scripting language?

What I'm actually trying to accomplish is, I want to use MuseScore's playback as sort of a karaoke / follow the bouncing ball as I sing along with the notes I've entered into MuseScore, and record my voice in Reaper. Since there will be multiple tracks, I don't want to rely on my speed at switching windows to click both buttons manually one after the other. And I want to see the blue bar moving over each note and lyric while recording. (Maybe the whole approach is wrong and I should be using different tools, but I'm going with what I think I almost know.)

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