new movements

• Feb 1, 2022 - 16:24

I know how to make a section break to create a new movement for a composition, but I want to title or label each movement. How can I do that?


Right-click the measure where the new movement starts, choose "Add -> Insert Vertical Frame", then right-click the frame and choose "Add -> Title".

In reply to by dragonwithafez

Resurrecting this thread ... that works as described, but I do not manage to show this frame in the single voices ( I have three voices in one system? is it called like that?) and when I switch to display a single voice this frame/text is missing.
BTW I am using Musescore 4 (German Version) and there is a checkbox for the frame properties "von Auszügen ausschliessen" (do not show in single voices). This checkbox has no effect in my hands. The frame is always missing in the single voice (or except? German is "Auszug", short for "Einzelstimmenauszug")

In reply to by Trp_Martin

solved it. I think the reason of these frames not showing up was that I had 2 frames on top of each other. And it seems that only 1 frame between sections (Abschnitte) can be displayed. I wanted to have 2, because I had "Movement 2 & 3 - tacet" and "Movement 4 - Allegro" in different frames. Now it´s in one and all seems to be OK

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