Techniques for Homogeny

• Feb 10, 2022 - 14:44

I'm having trouble normalising TITLE and SUBTITLE placement across documents. They're all the same size, but some documents' titles are undeniably smaller or have peculiar differences in the characters.
I have a few questions:
- Is there a way to position the page completely centred, in the 'zoom' function for example which I can do for all documents so as to compare their differences more easily?
- Is there a way to add multiple titles or subtitles and have them automatically place themselves below one another?
- And lastly, and unrelated to text, is there a way to enlarge all systems by a percentage?

Attached are images of the parts and the full score, and their different zoom and placements, and the subsequent difficulty in comparing the placement of the text which I've done by hand as best I can.

I am trying to achieve a professional level homogeny across the documents.

Apologies if this was long winded. Thank you for any help in advance.


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